Baby Vivo Wooden Play Kitchen for Children - Toni in Brown

Baby Vivo´s children's play kitchen - guaranteed fun and a great pleasure for your little one.

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Item number 31221124

EAN 4260196248662

  • Material: wood, plastic, Dimensions: 91 x 30 x 82,5 cm (LxWxH)
  • Faucet movable with kitchen sink, spacious shelves
  • Oven with hotplate and movable controller, microwave
  • Telephone and towel holder, blackboard to support creativity
  • Age recommendation: 3 years and up / We do not deliver to Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man

Baby Vivo - Wooden Play Kitchen for Children - Toni in Brown

Simulate and learn at the same time - the Children's Kitchen

Children learn best and fastest by watching and copying. A play kitchen their size with matching accessories allows them to mimic the activities of adults and learn for life by playing. If the chosen children's kitchen consists of a modern, easy to clean plastic or whether it is a classically decorated wooden model, is up to your personal taste. It is important, that the Play Kitchen excites your little one's to replicate real advantages and preparations of working like their parents. And it would be great, if the toys are similar to devices that are also found in the "real" kitchen of the household.

Special equipment for small hands

Other important elements of a modern equipped kitchen game are the copies of electrical appliances such as microwave, blender or toaster. However, many children feel a special pleasure to imitate activities that they know from books or short stories So it may well be that they declare the sink of their children's kitchen to their new favorite toy and love to wash the dishes. The door under the sink can also be used as a blackboard for writing or painting with chalk, such as shopping lists or recipes, to encourage childrens creativity.

Details of the Wooden Play Kitchen Toni:

  • Dimensions: 91 x 30 x 82,5 cm (LxWxH)
  • Material: wood, plastic
  • Faucet movable with kitchen sink, spacious shelves
  • Oven with hotplate and movable controller, microwave
  • Telephone and towel holder, blackboard to support creativity
  • Age recommendation: 3 years and up
WARNING: The Baby Vivo Wooden Play Kitchen for Children - Toni is not suitable for children under 3 years.
WARNING: Use under the direct supervision of adults
WARNING: For domestic use only

  • Material: wood, plastic, Dimensions: 91 x 30 x 82,5 cm (LxWxH)
  • Faucet movable with kitchen sink, spacious shelves
  • Oven with hotplate and movable controller, microwave
  • Telephone and towel holder, blackboard to support creativity
  • Age recommendation: 3 years and up / We do not deliver to Channel Islands, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man

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90441, Nürnberg


26458/Warn- und Sicherheitshinweise.pdf
26926/B075D989R1.PS01 Toni.pdf



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